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So you’re thinking about renovating your home- that’s great! Home renovations breathe life into your home and make everything feel fresh and new. However, if you’re thinking about taking on the renovation projects alone, you may want to think twice.
What are some examples of don’t-do-it-yourself home renovations that you need to avoid?
If you’re wondering if you can handle your next home renovation project alone, you’re in luck. Here are some renovation tasks you should always hire a professional for!
1. Electrical Projects
Sure, there are some minor electrical projects that you may be able to handle on your own. Let’s say you want to upgrade your existing light fixture or install a dimmer switch; as long as you cut off the electricity before going to work, you should be able to manage these projects safely! However, you should never try to DIY larger electrical renovation projects on your own.
Attempting large-scale electrical projects without the proper certification and knowledge is likely to end one of two ways: fire or electrocution. Both options are going to cost you a lot of money to repair. There is even a possibility for death in either circumstance.
Electrical renovations also have strict codes and guidelines. Should you get the electrical work wrong, you could be liable to a severe fine. After all, mistakes with your home’s electrics put the property at risk for a future electrical fire.
If you’re ever in doubt while handling an electrical home renovation, you should contact an electrician for guidance. No matter how big or small your project is, an electrician will have the right tools and experience to get the job done right.
2. Tree Cutting
No matter how small a tree in your yard seems, you should never attempt to cut or trim it on your own! Trees can be very unpredictable when they are cut down; regardless of how much time you plan preparing, one small misstep or a strong breeze could send a large branch hurtling towards your home. Before you know it, you’ve got a huge repair bill on your hands.
Chainsaws come with their own risks during use. If you aren’t careful, the limbs you cut might not belong to the tree you’re attempting to take down. The last thing you want to do is lose an arm or a leg while cleaning up your yard.
Always contact a professional tree trimmer for any tree maintenance you need. This is especially important if the tree in question is large, near your home, or near any power lines in front of your home. That way, you can avoid any unnecessary expenses that could come from damage to your home or property.
3. Plumbing Projects
As with electrical work, there are some minor plumbing projects that you can DIY with ease. From fixing a clogged drain to upgrading showerheads, some plumbing issues can be repaired quickly and easily. However, there are some plumbing problems that can quickly become worse as you try to fix them.
If you want to expand your home’s plumbing system or renovate your hot water heater, you should contact a professional plumber for help. It’s easy to make simple mistakes while doing DIY renovations on your home’s plumbing; without the right knowledge on tools and plumbing maintenance, you can put your home at risk for water damage or even flooding.
Even leaving behind a small leak in a pipe can end with disastrous consequences. If the leak goes unchecked for too long, your home could start growing mold or take on structural damage.
Overall, anytime you are dealing with major plumbing renovations, especially behind your walls, you should hire a plumber for the job.
4. Roofing Projects
If you want a quick trip to your local chiropractor or emergency room, then taking on a DIY roofing project is for you! Seriously, though, if you value your health and safety, you should leave your roofing renovation projects to the professionals.
Walking across your roof safely is difficult enough. Combine your average balancing skills with all of the tools you will need for your job, including heavy roofing materials, and you can imagine how difficult staying on your roof can be. One slight misstep and you’ll be stumbling straight to the ground below.
Without the proper roofing knowledge, you can even leave your home vulnerable to water damage. Roofing installation experts know all of the proper tools and tricks to waterproof your roof; if you miss any crucial steps, you can expect some leakage during your next rainstorm.
The steeper your roof is, the more likely you are to hurt yourself. It’s best to call home renovation contractors to help finish your roofing job.
5. Wall Removal
Open-concept homes are all the rage lately. However, tearing down the wrong wall in your home can cause serious structural damage. No matter how badly you want an open space in your home, you should always contact professionals for help.
Not only can you put your home at risk for collapse, but you may accidentally be in violation of your state’s building codes. Most states require building permits in order to complete any form of home renovation. A home renovator can help you get together any permits that you’ll need to complete the job!
Avoid These Don’t-Do-It-Yourself Home Renovations
Now that you know about these don’t-do-it-yourself home renovations, you have a better idea of how to keep you and your property secure during the renovation process. Remember, if you’re ever in doubt, hire home renovation contractors for help with your project!
Are you searching for a great home renovation company to help you with your home?
We’re here to help. Contact us with any questions or concerns you have about our home renovation services and continue reading our blog for more helpful information today!